Accessibility Service Registration Form

* indicates a required field

Are you currently registered with the Accessibility Service?

(This would mean you have attended an initial appointment with an Accessibility Consultant (AC), provided medical documentation and discussed requests for accommodations in relation to your Health impacts)

Please review steps 1 – 3 prior to commencing this form:

  1. Review the Accessibility Service registration page
  2. Contact Student Services to arrange a time to meet with an Accessibility Consultant
  3. Review documentation requirements

The Accessibility Service Registration Page will guide you through this process

What's in this Form

Form overview:
  1. Your contact details
  2. Study situation
  3. Support and assistance
  4. Supporting documentation
  5. Declaration and submit

If you experience any difficulties completing this form, please email to request a printable version which can be completed prior or during your appointment.

1 - Your Contact Details

Are you a currently enrolled student?Required

Prospective students and students enrolled at UTS College, please choose "No"

Please enter your Student ID as an 8 character numeric value

Example: (02) XXXX XXXX or +61 XXX XXX XXX format

UTS Students - Please use your UTS student email address. For example: Prospective Students - Please your personal email address and use the same personal email address when you enrol to study at UTS.

{"display_name":"Study Level","hidden_field_name":"ms_field_1","init_id":"ms_field_1","init_link":"","has_autocomplete":false,"has_hierpicklist":null}

2 - Study Situation

The following questions will help determine if you are eligible for referral to other programs and services within the Accessibility and Financial Assistance Service. These questions are not mandatory.

Did you apply through any of these schemes in addition to your UAC application:

Are you currently a Carer* but ineligible for Centrelink benefits? (*as defined under Carers Recognition Act 2010 - Sec. 5)

For the purpose of this Act, a carer is an individual who provides personal care, support and assistance to another individual who needs it because that other individual:

(a) has a disability; or

(b) has a medical condition (including a terminal or chronic illness); or

(c) has a mental illness; or

(d) is frail and aged.

Are you currently a parent but ineligi​ble for Centrelink benefits?
Have you spent time in formal, statutory out-of-home care?

Examples of out-of-home care include Foster care, residential care, kinship care, ward of the State. Please note: Formal statutory out-of-home care occurs following a child protection intervention (i.e. through a care and protection court order). It does not cover other out-of-home care situations through alternative arrangements.

Are you receiving an Equity Scholarship?
Do you identify as Australian Indigenous?
How did you find out about the UTS Accessibility Service:

Is your current course your preferred course choice for study?
Do you think you may require any periods of leave non-enrolment to assist in managing the impacts of your health condition?

3 - Support and Assistance

We would like to understand from your perspective how your disability / health condition impacts you in a learning environment and what assistance you are seeking:

Is there anything important about the current impact of your disability / health condition that you would like to highlight as important for us to understand?

Below is a list of the main services we offer. Please indicate which service/s you think are required /relevant for you:

Course Activities/Assessments

Below is a list of typical activities and assessments you may undertake throughout your course. Please indicate the impact your disability / health condition may have across this range of activities:


1. none (can complete as requested)

2. slight (likely to manage with my own strategies in place)

3. moderate (may need some assistance with planning / strategies / adjustments)

4. significant (I will require significant assistance / adjustments)

5. unable to complete (I will require an alternative

6. constant impact

7. unpredictable impact

Please indicate in relation to your indicated impact above, if your impact is constant or unpredictable eg. only when experiencing symptoms / become unwell

Skills and impact

4 - Supporting Documentation

Upload supporting medical documentation

You are able to upload your supporting medical documentation directly to this online form. If you prefer to bring your supporting documents to your appointment, please do so.

When selecting a document for upload, please ensure that both the Document Title and the File Name are no more than 45 characters.

5 - Declaration and Submit

Release of Information

Information is shared with Faculty staff for approval and implementation of your: 

• assessment arrangements;

• inclusive practices;

• services and requests 

Faculty staff include: 

• Academic Liaison Officer (ALO) - ALOs receive referrals from Accessibility Service and are responsible for approving assessment arrangements. For further information about the ALO role and the current ALO contact list click here.

• Subject Coordinator - Academic staff responsible for a subject. They approve requests and implement approved assessment arrangements and access requirements.

• Lecturer / Tutor - Academic staff who deliver subject content. They implement inclusive teaching practices and access requirements.

• Research Supervisor - Academic Staff assigned to students who are undertaking coursework by research. 

• HDR Research Supervisor / Co-Supervisors:  Academic Staff assigned to HDR students.

• Administrative staff - may assist with implementation of approved assessment arrangements, access requirements and requests. 

Completion PreferenceRequired

Please indicate your preference to complete the Release of Information Section below:

Note: You can change your preference prior to submitting this registration form


Collecting Information

1. When you submit this form, the personal and health information you provide is being collected by the UTS Accessibility Service in the Student Services Unit (SSU). In becoming a client of the Accessibility Service, further information will also be collected from you as required, or from external parties with your consent (such as supporting / medical documentation), for the purposes listed below.

2. The amount of information you choose to provide may impact on the ability of the Accessibility Service to register you and provide services and/or reasonable adjustments.

Use of Information

3. Our legal grounds for processing your information is to provide you the services and accommodations you have requested and that have been agreed to with you, with your consent.

4. We collect relevant personal information from you to be used for the following purposes:

a) to assess your eligibility to register for accommodations and services, to communicate with you and arrange meetings with your Accessibility Consultant.  

b) to make recommendations of assessment arrangements for approval by your faculty, or other areas providing services, based on the Service Agreements / Access Plan. To implement agreed accommodations, we will be required to exchange information between relevant areas of UTS. This exchange will only occur in line with your Service Agreements and Access Plan.

c) for planning, quality improvement and service review activities, to support continuity of service, routine administrative activities, for debriefing/case discussion and handovers between Accessibility staff where required, or to manage and respond to any relevant grievances or complaints.

d) to support funding purposes (using student ID only); and statistical reporting (using de-identified information) to the Federal and State Government.

Student Services Unit (SSU) Collaborative Services

5. All staff working in SSU may need to access client records to support the above purposes.

6. Certain SSU Services (Accessibility and Financial Assistance and Counselling) use a shared appointment system so these services have shared access to details regarding appointment scheduling.

7. The Accessibility, Financial Assistance and Counselling Services adopt a collaborative approach to enhance service delivery for students. This enables more cohesion between services, smooth transition and referral between services, and minimises the duplication of processes and information collection.

Disclosure of information

8. Registering with Accessibility Services is not recorded on your Academic Transcript.

9. Your information may be shared with specific areas of the university to put in place and manage accommodations that are being arranged for you.

10. Your information may be disclosed if it is considered necessary to lessen or prevent a serious and imminent risk to life or health of yourself or another person, or a threat to public health or public safety. Where a risk may not be imminent, but there are valid concerns for the health and safety of staff or students, information may be disclosed to staff responsible for campus security and wellbeing.

11. Your information will not be disclosed further unless you have provided consent, or the disclosure is required or permitted by law (e.g. mandatory reporting of a serious crime, or Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) mandatory reporting obligations). See Internships Management Policy and Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) Reporting Procedures

Protecting your information

12. The Accessibility Service protects client personal and health information. Your information will be collected and stored within Access, which is a system used by UTS to manage Accessibility Services. Data held in Access is protected and stored in Australia by Symplicity, under contract with UTS.

Your information will be retained for the purposes in this notice and in line with minimum legal retention requirements before it is confidentially destroyed. 

Your rights

13. You can access your information directly via your Access student portal. Otherwise, you can request access to information held about you, request inaccurate or out of date information to be corrected or deleted, restrict or stop us from processing your information, raise any concerns, or make a complaint, by contacting the Accessibility Service.


14. The Accessibility Service uses Access (student portal) for service delivery.  Access is used to send service and accessibility information to relevant students via email. The purpose of these communications is to keep students updated on particular services and opportunities.

Contact us

15. If you have questions or concerns regarding your privacy and how this relates to the Accessibility Service, please email or telephone SSU reception on 9514 1177 and request to speak to the Manager before you register and provide your personal information. 

Privacy DeclarationRequired

Your Rights and Reponsibilities

Your rights as a client of the Accessibility Service

  1. To be treated with respect and listened to, and to have things explained simply and clearly.
  2. To bring an additional person/s to the registration appointment and further appointments as arranged with the Accessibility Consultant, noting that Accessibility Service consults directly with the student.
  3. To provide only as much information you feel comfortable providing, noting that this may limit or prevent the provision of services / reasonable adjustments to you.
  4. To accept or reject advice or accommodations at any time, or restrict or revoke any consent provided.
  5. To request a different Accessibility Consultant (AC), you may schedule an appointment with another AC. Subsequent requests can be made to the Manager, Accessibility and Financial Assistance Service.
  6. To request Accessibility Service, liaise with your nominated third party on your behalf if you are unwell or unable to liaise with your Accessibility Consultant directly. You need to provide written consent to confirm such an arrangement which can be supplied via letter, email third party authority form
Your responsibilities as a client of the Accessibility ServiceRequired
  1. To keep your appointments and be on time. To cancel appointments only when absolutely necessary and let UTS staff know in advance so another student can use that time
  2. To be open and honest when responding to questions about your situation. The amount of information you choose to disclose may impact on the capacity of the Accessibility Service to register you and provide support services and/or reasonable adjustments.
  3. To assist your Accessibility Consultant by obtaining required supporting information or documents, as soon as possible as evidence to allow accommodations to be put in place.
  4. To take responsibility for actions assigned to you as part of any access plan developed with you.
  5. To inform your Accessibility Consultant of any changes to your contact details, or changes to your situation that may influence the accommodations put in place for you.